2020 Plasma Academy To Be Held Online

Plasma lamp

The 3D-PSI Research Group at UW Madison is moving forward with their annual Plasma Academy this summer despite the logistical challenges of Covid-19. The program has been adjusted to an online-only format and is scheduled to be held from August 10-14.

The focus of this year’s Academy will be to develop and share curriculum for teachers who can then utilize the material in their own classrooms. The format will feature a combination of lectures, hands-on experiments, group activities, and discussions.

The Academy will take place on August 10-14, from 8am-2pm. For more information, please visit the Wisconsin Plasma Experience Website: https://plasmaexperience.engr.wisc.edu or email Madelynn Knilans at: mknilans@wisc.edu.

2020 Summer Schedule:

Monday, Aug. 10: Introduction and PlasmaProduction: Ionization and Recombination Process
Tuesday, Aug. 11: Electrostatic Effects of Plasma
Wednesday, Aug. 12: Interaction of Plasma and Electrostatic Fields
Thursday, Aug. 13: Thermodynamics
Friday, Aug. 14: Applications of Plasma and Wrap up

*This project is funded by the National Science Foundation as NSF-CAREER grant PHY-1455210.

–News: 7-21-2020