We are working as member of the AWAKE project at CERN on the development of a helicon plasma cell to be used as acceleration stage in the innovative particle driven wake-field particle accelerator concept. This …
Collaborative International Laboratory for Advanced Stellarator Divertors was funded by Helmholtz Association in Germany.
The Helmholtz International Laboratory for Advanced optimized Divertors in Stellarators (HILOADS) was selected for funding by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (HGF). This project is build to enhance the existing collaboration between the …
Two invited talks on impurity transport and detached divertor physics topics in 3D boundaries presented at APS-DPP meeting 2019.
Two invited talks were delivered at the 2019 venue of the APS-DPP divisional conference in Fort Lauderdale. Edward Hinson reported on first time results on helium decontamination of future burning fusion plasmas by application of …
2019 venue of the Plasma Academy, an NSF funded plasma outreach program for high school teachers and students, was conducted.
Three teachers and seven students participated in the 2019 venue of the Plasma Academy, an outreach event targeted at high-school teachers and students. Participants are introduced to the basics of plasma physics in the form …