A major milestone in the exploration of the Island Divertor concept in stellarators has been published [https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1741-4326/abb51e] by O. Schmitz as part of a multi-institutional team at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. The island divertor …
Year: 2020
New Research Opens Path To Integrated Solution For Optimizing Control Of Power Fluxes on ITER
Temperature at the plasma boundary: a 2-D toroidally symmetric plasma (left), and a 3-D non-symmetric plasma with a magnetic field modified by ELM control coils (right). Corresponding heat loads on the outer divertor target are …
Group Research Highlighted by DoE SC Website
An example from the DOE DIII-D facility of the perturbation to the edge region of a tokamak’s magnetic field due to resonant magnetic fields. Image credit: H. Frerichs. A highlight on the website of the …
Computational Analysis Of Heat Deposition Pattern Dependance On RMP Phasing For KSTAR
Authors: Jonathan Van Blarcum, Heinke Frerichs, Oliver Schmitz, Jong-Kyu Park, SeongMoo Yang Affiliations: UW Madison, PPPL Poloidal profiles for the increasing RMP current scan. 2D Heat Deposition onto the diverter plates with the location of the Max …
2020 Plasma Academy To Be Held Online
The 3D-PSI Research Group at UW Madison is moving forward with their annual Plasma Academy this summer despite the logistical challenges of Covid-19. The program has been adjusted to an online-only format and is scheduled to …
The Nuclear Fusion Letter “Enhanced helium exhaust during edge-localized mode suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations at DIII-D” by E. Hinson, et al. was accepted for publication.
Dr. Edward Hinson List of authors: T. Hinson,1* O. Schmitz,1 T. Abrams,2 A. Briesemeister,3 I. Bykov,5 C. Chrystal,2 C. Collins,2 T. E. Evans,2 H. Frerichs,1 B.A. Grierson,4 R. A. Moyer,5 C. Paz-Soldan,2 D. Thomas,2 E. A. Unterberg,3 M. Wade2 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, U.S.A., 2General Atomics, San Diego, U.S.A., 3Oak Ridge …
A paper introducing the Wisconsin In Situ Penning (WISP) gauge diagnostic published in AiP journal Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI) has been chosen as an Editor’s Pick.
The article titled, Wisconsin In Situ Penning (WISP) gauge: A versatile neutral pressure gauge to measure partial pressures in strong magnetic fields, was written by Dr. Thierry Kremeyer. The Editors felt that the article is …
Happy New Year 2020 – which welcomes a new PhD: Thierry Kremeyer.
On December 13, 2019 Thierry Kremeyer defended his thesis “Particle Fueling and Exhaust in the Wendelstein 7-X Island Divertor”. This work, funded by the office of Fusion Energy Sciences in the Department of Energy under …