Showcase of 3D Plasma Edge and Material Interaction Research and Plasma Helicon Research for the AWAKE Project at CERN at UW Madison at APS-DPP meeting in Portland, Oregon

The 3D-PSI group has a strong appearance on this year’s annual meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) of the American Physics Society (APS) in Portland, Oregon. Contributions are ranging from seminal advances in 3D edge and divertor modelling for ITER (oral contribution Dr. H. Freichs) to posters on 3D impurity transport and plasma surface interaction at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, the MAST-Upgrade Spherical tokamak and the DIII-D National Fusion Facility. The neutral recycling and plasma source properties in a quasi-helical state in the MST reversed field pinch in the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory (WiPPL) was investigated for the first time to study the impact on the power balance in these helical states.

Nine posters and one contributed oral presentation are delivered by members of the 3D-PSI group of Prof. O. Schmitz. As a non-fusion highlight, two posters report on significant advances in diagnostics and helicon plasma research contributions to the AWAKE wake-field accelerator project at CERN and construction and commissioning of a new helicon mirror experiment, the MadMirricon.  The applicability of Graphene as interlayer on plasma facing components was assessed systematically by a recently graduated PhD student and a comprehensive overview poster on these first-time results is presented.

The contributions are listed below with links to the actual presentations.

— News: 11-05-2018